To chit or not to chit? That is the question.
Personally I have tried both chitting and not chitting potatoes with relatively similar results, however, I do generally chit my seed potatoes just to give them that extra helping hand.
What is chitting
Chitting is the process of encouraging seed potatoes to sprout shoots prior to planting.
Why use seed potatoes?
Many people don’t buy seed potatoes but rather just use some of their own crop or shop bought cooking potatoes. The reason many people prefer seed potatoes is that they are frequently guaranteed to be virus free.
When should I chit my potatoes?
I start chitting first earlies, in this case Charlottes, in late January or February depending on the weather.
How do I chit my potatoes?
Seed potatoes have a rose end which is slightly more rounded (less pointy) and has more dents or eyes.
Stand your seed potatoes rose end up in an old egg box or similar container and place in a frost free location with plenty of natural light. A window sill always seems to work well.
When are the potatoes ready to plant?
Seed potatoes are usually ready to plant out when shoots are about an inch long.